5 Things to See & Do in Romania

When traveling, it’s important to find a destination that offers plenty of activities and things to see and do. Romania is a great option for those looking for an affordable European vacation. This country has something for everyone, from stunning mountain scenery and medieval villages to lively cities and beautiful beaches. Here are five of the best activities to see and do!

Palace of Parliament and Old Town

The Palace of Parliament, also known as the People’s Palace, is one of Romania’s most iconic landmarks. This massive building, which is the largest civilian building in the world, was constructed during the communist era and is now used as the Romanian Parliament. Visitors can take guided tours of the palace, which include stops in the Senate and House of Deputies chambers, as well as the impressive marble staircase.

Just a few blocks away from the palace is Bucharest’s charming Old Town. This district is home to narrow streets, quaint buildings, and a lively nightlife scene. There are plenty of restaurants and bars to enjoy in Old Town, as well as souvenir shops and art galleries. Be sure to check out the historic Stavropoleos Church and watch traditional Romanian dances at the Hanul lui Manuc restaurant.

Transfagarasan Highway

The Transfagarasan Highway is one of Romania’s most popular tourist destinations. This scenic road winds its way through the Carpathian Mountains, providing stunning views of the countryside and surrounding peaks. It is also known for being one of the most dangerous roads in the world, with numerous switchbacks and tight curves.

The highway was built in the 1970s as a strategic military route and was only open to the public starting in 2005. Today, it’s a popular destination for thrill seekers and nature lovers alike. There are several hiking trails that start from the highway, as well as a few mountain lakes that are perfect for swimming.

Bran Castle

Bran Castle is one of Romania’s most popular tourist destinations. This castle, which is also known as “Dracula’s Castle,” was built in the 14th century and has been used as a residence, fortress, and prison over the years. Today, Bran Castle is open to visitors and has exhibits on its history and architecture. It’s also said that Vlad Tepes (AKA Vlad Dracul), who was inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula novel, spent some time here.

Painted Monasteries

The Painted Monasteries of Romania are a group of seven monasteries that were built in the 16th century by monks who decorated them with vibrant frescoes. The monasteries are located in different parts of the city and are all worth visiting. Two of the most famous ones are Voronet Monastery (which has been called “the Sistine Chapel of Eastern Europe”) and Moldovita Monastery (whose walls are covered with elaborate scenes from the Bible).

The Painted Monasteries are not only beautiful, but they also offer a glimpse into the history and culture. If you’re interested in learning more about these incredible places, I highly recommend checking out one (or all) of them on your next trip to Romania!

Black Sea Coast

If you’re looking for a beach vacation, Romania’s Black Sea Coast should be your top choice. The coastline stretches for over 300 kilometers and features sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and resort towns. Visitors can enjoy plenty of activities here, including sunbathing, swimming, windsurfing, and sailing. There are also plenty of restaurants and bars to relax in after a day spent in the sun.

Romania is a country with something for everyone. A country that is rich in activities and has the best things to see and do. Whether you’re looking for history, culture, or just a relaxing beach vacation, this city has it all.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip today!